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Discover/Clarify Your Life Purpose and Symbol of Your Life’s Work
5 Week Group Teleconference Class
Do you feel stuck, bored, unhappy, un-fulfilled, and sapped of your energy? You know you want to do something different than your current career, but what?
Today could be a NEW BEGINNING, a step closer to the bliss and abundance you so deserve and yearn for.
Under the expert guidance of Mary DeLaat, we will review the Law of Attraction, how it works, how it affects you, your life purpose, and living a juicy happy life. Although many of us already know about this universal law, sometimes, we just need to be reminded and or inspired!
Other exercises will include guided interactions and meditations to identify or clarify your life purpose, discover the SYMBOL of your life’s work, and how to use it. Discover how to get started or progress on your path, explore the steps you need to take, and do guided work to attract success.
You will walk away with a vision plan of your Amazing Life To Be, and a tool box of knowledge and processes to continue manifesting your desires.
Free “No Obligation” Reiki Tele-Conference
Listen and learn about the history of Reiki, it’s benefits, how it can change and improve your life and career or business and even earn the chance to experience it just by being quick to register.
The first 5 to sign up for the free Reiki teleconference will receive a free 15 minute Sekhem-Seichim Reiki complimentary session.
And even if you don’t have an ache, or a pain, there are other benefits to Reiki. Reiki can be used to help you accomplish dreams and have more confidence in life.
Learn how even a CPA and business woman has used Reiki to improve lives
beyond just healing.
Learn about all this and more such as how you could become a Reiki Master. Reiki Training Dates to be announced. Email Mary DeLaat at to register for the free teleconference and receive your dial in number and pin number to access the “free no obligation” teleconference.
Identifying and Attracting Perfect Clients
5 Week Group Teleconference Class
Do you feel you don’t have enough clients?
Today could be a new beginning, a step closer to the bliss and abundance you so deserve and yearn for having when you have all the clients you want and the right ones.
Are you tired of all the usual and traditional marketing to get more clients?
Are you satisfied with the clients you have? Are some of them hard to work with? Are you seeking clients that pay you what you are worth? Do you want to know to get more referrals?
Learn how to get the right ones without trying to run after every client.