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5 Week Teleconference Class
Do you feel stuck, bored, unhappy, un-fulfilled, and sapped of your energy?
You want to do something different than your current career, but what?
Today could be a NEW BEGINNING, a step closer to the bliss and abundance you so deserve and yearn for.
Under the expert guidance of Mary DeLaat, we will review the Law of Attraction, how it works, how it affects you, your life purpose, and living a juicy happy life. Although many of us already know about this universal law, sometimes, we just need to be reminded and or inspired!
Create your tool box of knowledge to manifest your desires.
Other exercises will include guided interactions and meditations to identify or clarify your life purpose, discover the SYMBOL of your life’s work, and how to use it. Discover how to get started or progress on your path, explore the steps you need to take, and do guided work to attract success.
You will walk away with a vision plan of your
Amazing Life To Be.
Discover/Clarify Your Life Purpose and
Symbol of Your Life’s Work
5 Week Teleconference Class
5 (1 hour) weekly group classes
1 ( 1 hour) individual coaching session (to be scheduled during the 5wk class as a barrier remover or as a follow up after the conclusion of our class. )
Teleconference will be held on a free teleconference line. Call in number provided upon registration.
Note: All classes will be recorded.
5 (1 hour) weekly group classes
1 ( 1 hour) individual coaching session (to be scheduled during the 5wk class as a barrier remover or as a follow up after the conclusion of our class. )
Teleconference will be held on a free teleconference line. Call in number provided upon registration.
Note: All classes will be recorded.
Location: Tele-Conference
Kuyuichi Kanchay Wasi School/Retreat,
P.O. Box 545 Standish, Michigan,
303 N. Grove, Standish, MI 48658.
Registration:Conference cost is $222.
Contact Mary DeLaat at 225-247-6746.
Email maryedelaat@gmail.com