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Business and Life Coaching
Specializing in assisting entrepreneurs, private business owners, business professionals and for those who wish to become entrepreneurs, business owners etc. manifest their dreams and best conditions in all areas of their lives. I have over 30 years of business management experience working in diverse businesses such as public accounting, large public companies and with privately owned smaller businesses and not for profits helping them resolve tough issues and improve the profitability of their businesses significantly and produce jaw dropping results.
My business experience includes being a Chief Audit Executive, a Chief Accounting Officer, a Chief Financial Officer and now being a business owner myself. My business industry experience includes specialties such as banking, insurance, petrochemical, health care, and various other public industries, private business endeavors, sole proprietorships and not for profits.
I used a lot of Law of Attraction techniques intuitively during my career, which helped me manifest a lot of the success I wanted. And that I was coached by society "TO WANT" success in my career and family. However, the gaps in my usage of intuitive attraction techniques due to western society coaching of what I SHOULD want in my career and family situation still left many opportunities in my life for more satisfaction and joy.
For example, even though I had achieved a multiple of a 6 figure income, and enjoyed 4 weeks vacation every year, my vacation was still limited to those 4 weeks with limited opportunities to increase that vacation further. Limitations were set on when I could take my vacation due to working in large public companies with quarterly deadlines and being an accountant with job responsibilities tied to ensuring the reliability of quarterly results. Learning to consciously understand and use Law of Attraction techniques has allowed me to break thru those vacation barriers.
Would you like to know how to eliminate limitations? How would it feel to attract things without limitations? Sessions are 30, 45, or 60 minutes on the phone. Call in details will be provided upon enrollment. Private sessions will focus on your career goals,
Business Coaching
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I only wish I had consciously known what I was doing right, why and what I could have done better (for example how to break thru those artificial barriers) sooner in my life. Today I would repeat my Law of Attraction training again in a minute, if only to use it for myself. However, I am even
more fortunate as it is even more exciting to be able to share my expanded knowledge and techniques with others and to enjoy expanding beyond prior limitations imposed by my prior career choices.
I now enjoy more flexibility in the timing and location and synergy of career travel coordinated with family friendly travel. I am manifesting business opportunities in the vicinity of where my family is located and in the vicinity of locations I want to travel to for fun or for continued learning. My once more stationary and time restrictive career has transmuted to a more portable career which includes coaching. I am using Reiki now while conducting business and coaching to amplify business and coaching results for myself and clients in addition to using Reiki to do traditional health improvement modalities for myself, my family, friends and clients.
Private coaching is a perfect option for people who want more focused, individualized attention. Sessions are 30, 45, or 60 minutes on the phone. Call in details will be provided upon enrollment. I coach “in the moment” which means our entire session is devoted to what you want in your life. Whatever is your current priority becomes our focal point. I respect the fact that you are the EXPERT on what you want! However I can expertly guide you to improve your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that support you in achieving the outcomes you desire. Together we will also use tools, techniques and strategies based on the Universal Principles to release blocks and plan for your success and growth. As a Reiki Master I can further assist you to learn to use Reiki to amplify your manifesting process. Our sessions are always confidential and created in a safe and comfortable environment so you may experience your inner wisdom and empowerment.

Do you want to know what you are doing is right?
Are you craving more flexibility, fun and family time?
What is right for you?