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Ixchel Sacred Mayan
Crystal Skull

According to its original steward: “Her name is “Ixchel” and she is carved of Mayan green jade. At 19lbs (8.6 kg.) it is large like an actual human head. One look into the mesmerizing eyes reveals the intensity of the power of this sacred Mayan crystal skull.


Private meditations with Ixchel are available for individuals that want to spend “alone time” with the Skull. You can ask Ixchel to impart her healing and wisdom to you.  In these sessions, you are encouraged to hold the Skull, and to bring your crystals and power tools to be charged in their presence.





Omani Nepalese Buddhist Ceremonial Skull


Omani is a decorated quartz ceremonial skull from a Nepalese Buddhist Monastery. Many who have been in the presence of crystal skulls feel that they are from other dimensional realms and perhaps were used by ancient civilizations to sustain contact between Star Beings and the human race. 


Others who have touched the skulls have had a range of experiences including receiving instantaneous healing, information, visions of other worlds, hearing unusual sounds, and receiving expanded intuitive abilities. Crystal skulls are used for awakening consciousness and accelerating healing and growth on all levels.


Private meditations with Omani are available for individuals that want to spend “alone time” with the Skull. You can ask Omani to impart his healing and wisdom to you.  In these sessions, you are encouraged to hold the Skull, and to bring your crystals and power tools to be charged in their presence.

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